Thursday, 7 February 2008

Road rage third world style

This week I am back in Angola for more action. As the company's face to Angola I have been doing my best in trying to look busy without the usual base support from home. This is a boring job, but somebody has to do it.

So I have learned this week that motor companies are trying to trick the general public. It seems that to really go off-road you need what is called a "4x4". Now this type of vehicle tend to be more expensive, but they make you think that this is what you need to get around. Especially in Africa.

But in fact, from first-hand experience, I have learned that this is a really big sock that they are trying to pull over your head. What you do need is a minibus, something capable of carrying 15 people (in Africa that number is seen as minimum requirements).

In the back the vehicle it feels as if your lungs are being shoved into you butt while your stomach is moving into you head through your nasal passage. After a two hour trip you do have a slightly soar kidney section, but it is all worth it to experience the amazing off-road capabilities of this "Taxi". It does prevent you to stick out you tongue in traffic, because you might have to look for it later.

I also learned that roads are only an indication of direction. You don't need to be on it. In fact, 6 cars can simultaneously use the same road that will normally been seen as a double road. The advantage of this is that you really don't need any paint. Lines will be silly.

Now you might say I'm lying, so I have decided to show you this little gem of a pothole, 2 blocks from my fine we-don't-have-hot-water lodging. Enjoy.

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